Israel, Tel Aviv Concert! ! Galion Xtreme 1st anniversary! !イスラエル、テルアビブコンサート!!Galion Xtreme1周年!!
A group of friends who can respect each other
Galion Xtreme一周年です! ジャンルは違っても、尊敬しあえる仲間が集まり、エネルギーをぶつけ合った結晶のようなユニットです。
しかし、まだまだGalion Xtremeの入り口から異世界をのぞいているような状況で、そこには果てしない世界が広がっています。
A group of friends who can respect each other
Galion Xtreme is the first anniversary
Even though the genre is different, a group of respected people gathers and it is a crystal-like unit that bumped energy together.
Debuted at the big hall, there were many things with the concert at Hiroshima Airport, Tokyo Concert, and Israel Tel Aviv.
However, there is still a situation where Galion Xtreme’s entrance is looking at another world, there is an endless world spreading.
Since I will continue to create Jean Jean, please expect it
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